

发布时间:2020-12-07 发布人: 浏览次数:


1) Hong Shen, Zhihui Xu, Zanming Shen & Zhongyan Lu (2019). The regulation of ruminal short-chain fatty acids on the functions of rumen barriers. Frontiers in Physiology, 10:1305.

2) Zhongyan Lu, Zhihui Xu, Zanming Shen,Hong Shen*& Jörg R. Aschenbach* (2019). Transcriptomic analyses suggest a dominate role of insulin in the coordinated control of energy metabolism and ureagenesis in goat liver. BMC genomics, 20:854.

3) Zhongyan Lu, Zhihui Xu, Zanming Shen, Yuanchun Tian &Hong Shen(2019). Dietary Energy Level Promotes Rumen Microbial Protein Synthesis by Improving the Energy Productivity of the Ruminal Microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:847.

4) Zhongyan Lu,Hong Shen*& Zanming Shen* (2019). Effects of Dietary-SCFA on Microbial Protein Synthesis and Urinal Urea-N Excretion Are Related to Microbiota Diversity in Rumen. Frontiers in Physiology, 10:1079.

5) Zhongyan Lu#,Hong Shen#& Zanming Shen (2018). High-concentrate diet-induced change of cellular metabolism leads to decreases of immunity and imbalance of cellular activities in rumen epithelium. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 45: 2145-2157.

6) Hong Shen#,Zhongyan Lu#, Zhihui Xu, Zhan Chen & Zanming Shen (2017). Associations among dietary non-fiber carbohydrate, ruminal microbiota and epithelium G-protein-coupled receptor, and histone deacetylase regulations in goats. Microbiome 5: 123.

7) Hong Shen#,Zhongyan Lu#, Zhihui Xu & Zanming Shen (2017). Diet-induced reconstruction of mucosal microbiota associated with alterations of epithelium lectin expression and regulation in the maintenance of rumen homeostasis. Scientific Reports7: 3941.

8) Hong Shen#,Zhongyan Lu#, Zhihui Xu & Zanming Shen (2017). Antibiotic pretreatment minimizes dietary effects on reconstructure of rumen fluid and mucosal microbiota in goats. MicrobiologyOpen, e537.

9) Hong Shen#,Zhongyan Lu#, Zhan Chen, Yufeng Wu & Zanming Shen (2016). Rapid Fermentable Substance Modulates Interactions between Ruminal Commensals and Toll-Like Receptors in Promotion of Immune Tolerance of Goat Rumen. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1812.

10) Hong Shen, Zhan Chen, Zanming Shen & Zhongyan Lu(2016). Maintaining stability of the rumen ecosystem is associated with changes of microbial composition and epithelial TLR signaling. MicrobiologyOpen, e436.

11) Hong Shen, Anke Braband & Gerhard Scholtz (2015). The complete mitogenomes of lobsters and crayfish (Crustacea: Decapoda: Astacidea) reveal surprising differences in closely related taxa and convergences to Priapulida.J Zoolog Syst Evol Res 53(4): 273-281

12) Hong Shen, Anke Braband &Gerhard Scholtz(2013).Mitogenomic analysis of decapod crustacean phylogeny confirms largely more traditional views on their relationships. Mol Phylogenet Evol 66: 776-789.

13) Hong Shen, Yonghua Gai, Daxiang Song, Hongying Sun, Ulf Scheller&Kaiya Zhou(2007).New species of Pauropodidae (Myriapoda: Pauropoda) from Nanjing, China. Journal of Natural History41: 37 - 40.